bigoldbear's Blog




"From the quark to the supernova, the wonders do not cease, it is our attentiveness that is in short supply. Our ability and willingness to do the work that awe requires." - John Green

If you spend enough time and energy looking, any system has wonders in it. Whether you are learning to code, exploring genetics, painting a sunbeam, or finding that perfect moment with a partner, there is something amazing to be found. The question is, how much work is between here and there.

With most people I meet there is so little willingness to explore the possibilities, that I'm bored stiff talking to them. I can carry myself into the world of wonder, but I can't drag someone who is just dead weight.

If I say something crazy to you, Im trying to see if you can play. If you can, you will see the possibilities in what I am saying; Play with them, toss them around, make new and exciting things out of them. Because if you can, then perhaps I can share some of the things I find amusing or exciting with you, and you are likely to have some things you can share with me. If you cant? We arent gonna be compatible, at any level.

Im more attracted to minds than I am bodies. But I cant find out if your mind is interesting without asking you to display it. . .And the internet is oddly badly set up for displaying ones mind.

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