southerninct's Blog



Just another Blog entry: Trust

My thoughts for the night. I saw a post on a friends wall that made me sit and think. The main issue that was brought up was about trust.

It was by a person agreeing with the poster that they do not trust anyone either and that today you just can't.

I went on to reply that that kind of thinking was planted there by the media. Scare tactics. ..

What better way to control it's people than to make it to where no one has the ability to trust one another. It causes people to start only looking out for themselves and turns society against everyone's views but the views of the one pulling the strings.

It also causes society to believe that if they would just give up a piece of their freedom, they'll make you safe from the things we feel you should fear. Just give up your constitutional rights and stayed tuned for our next fear you should be fearful for.

I find it sad that we used to preach love thy neighbor and it's turned into fear thy neighbor.....

We also were taught … that you should do onto others as you'd have them do onto you but without the trust it has been changed to do onto others before they can do onto you..

I'm not a religious person, but I am spiritual. I still live by self sacrifice, loyalty, duty, honor, respect, integrity, and personal courage.

I'm always being told, I'm to trusting. No. . I'm not. You aren't trusting enough.

And you should not worry about not trusting others but to trust that your loved ones know how to make the right decisions. If you can't trust them, then at this point you've gone past the society level and went into no longer trusting your inner circle level.

Don't we have history books explaining not to listen to that outside source and not to shun your closest allies. Your allies have your best interest at heart but yet the fall of the Empire always turns out to be the one that made you fear and to lose trust.

We've become a society that no longer interacts with each other on a personal level. Our young ones are losing the ability to release feelings. Instead they are bottling them up until something snaps.

Why else would we have such an issue with the violence? We have numbed the younger generation from being human. They can no longer see another human as a life force. That snuffing out their existence is just worth 200 points unless it's a head shot then it's worth 300 points.

Don't get be wrong. . It's not the video games or the guns that's done this. . It's society no longer teaching that there is a difference between reality and fantasy.

I always get looked at funny because I greet everyone I walk past or meet. After the initial shock, people get a smile on their face and seem happier while I'm talking to them.

It saddens me to see the smile slowly fade from their face as I walk away. I know that they will not pick up the torch and greet the next person.

It drives me insane. .. no chivalry. .. no protective instincts. . Instead when we see someone getting beat up we fight over who can record it and toss it up on YouTube... twitter. .. vine. . Ect.

Just think. .. all of our issues just because we no longer trust.

Good night and think about your impact. .. hold the door open for the person behind you. It makes you feel good and puts a smile on that persons face. .

And it only cost you 10 seconds of your time.

Trust me. .. it's why I do it.

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